The District was created by popular vote in April 1967. The District encompasses approximately 10 square miles located in southwest St. Louis County, Missouri, approximately 20 miles southwest of the City of St. Louis. The District includes all or a portion of the municipalities of the City of Valley Park, the City of Twin Oaks, the City of Manchester, the City of Ballwin and portions of unincorporated St. Louis County. The estimated population of the District is 17,000. The District provides fire, emergency medical, and rescue services.
Residents enjoy a multitude of parks, trails, and outdoor activities. Access to restaurants and entertainment venues are also located in the District. Several miles of interstate highway, the Meramec River, and a condensed industrial and commercial zone round out the area.
Government and Organization
The District's Board of Directors (the "Board'') is comprised of 3 residents of the District. They are responsible for overseeing financial, personnel and governmental aspects of the District's operations. They are elected to a six-year term at the April general municipal election every two years on a staggered, rotating basis.
Your Staff and District
The District is compromised of firefighters and paramedics that respond from two stations. In total, the District maintains 31 employees. A well rounded complement of equipment includes three ambulances, two pumper/rescues, one ladder truck, two boats, and a all terrain vehicle.
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The Valley Park Fire Protection District firefighters are represented by the International Association of Firefighters Local 2665.
Fore more information click here: Valley Park Professional Firefighters Local 2665
The firefighters are also active in the community with their own community outreach group.
For more information click here: Valley Park Professional Firefighters Community Outreach
The Valley Park administration and firefighters operate within the guidance of a labor management relationship. These principles are developed and agreed to by the International Association of Fire Chiefs and the International Association of Firefighters in the true spirit of cooperation for the enhancement of the Fire/EMS service and the communities it serves. We recognize that mutual adherence to these values requires the constant effort of labor and management representatives.
Fore more information click here: Labor Management Alliance